Padding and Alignment

Understanding Natural Alignment

How do I know what the natural alignment of a type should be?

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Natural alignment is typically based on the size of the data type. Here's a practical guide to common alignment requirements:

#include <iostream>

int main() {
  std::cout << "Alignment requirements:\n"
    << "char: " << alignof(char) << " bytes\n"
    << "short: " << alignof(short) << " bytes\n"
    << "int: " << alignof(int) << " bytes\n"
    << "long: " << alignof(long) << " bytes\n"
    << "float: " << alignof(float) << " bytes\n"
    << "double: " << alignof(double) << " bytes\n"
    << "pointer: " << alignof(int*) << " bytes\n";
Alignment requirements:
char: 1 bytes
short: 2 bytes
int: 4 bytes
long: 8 bytes
float: 4 bytes
double: 8 bytes
pointer: 8 bytes

For compound types like structs and classes, the alignment is typically determined by the largest alignment requirement of any member:

#include <iostream>

struct Example {
  char A;// 1 byte alignment
  double B;// 8 byte alignment
  int C;// 4 byte alignment

int main() {
  std::cout << "Struct alignment: "
    << alignof(Example) << " bytes\n";
Struct alignment: 8 bytes

You can use the alignas specifier to request specific alignment:

#include <iostream>

struct alignas(16) Custom {
  int Value;

int main() {
  std::cout << "Custom alignment: "
    << alignof(Custom) << " bytes\n";

  // This will always start at a 16-byte boundary
  Custom Instance;


  • Basic types are usually aligned to their size
  • Compound types align to their largest member
  • The alignof() operator tells you alignment requirements
  • Arrays align to their element type's requirements
  • Alignment is always a power of 2
This Question is from the Lesson:

Padding and Alignment

Learn how memory alignment affects data serialization and how to handle it safely

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This Question is from the Lesson:

Padding and Alignment

Learn how memory alignment affects data serialization and how to handle it safely

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