Padding and Alignment

Consequences of Misaligned Memory

What happens if we try to read memory that isn't properly aligned?

Abstract art representing computer programming

When we try to read misaligned memory, different things can happen depending on the CPU architecture and compiler settings. Let's look at three common scenarios:

Performance Penalty

On most modern x86/x64 processors, misaligned access works but is slower:

#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std::chrono;

struct Aligned {
  int Value; // 4 bytes, naturally aligned

#pragma pack(1)  // Force removal of padding
struct Misaligned {
  char A;    // 1 byte
  int Value; // 4 bytes, misaligned!
#pragma pack()

int main() {
  const int Iterations{10000000};

  // Test aligned access
  Aligned A;
  auto Start = high_resolution_clock::now();

  for (int i = 0; i < Iterations; ++i) {
    A.Value = i; // Aligned access
    volatile int Temp = A.Value;

  auto AlignedTime =
    high_resolution_clock::now() - Start;

  // Test misaligned access
  Misaligned M;
  Start = high_resolution_clock::now();

  for (int i = 0; i < Iterations; ++i) {
    M.Value = i; // Misaligned access
    volatile int Temp = M.Value;

  auto MisalignedTime =
    high_resolution_clock::now() - Start;

    << "Aligned time: "
    << std::chrono::duration_cast<milliseconds>(
    << "ms\n"
    << "Misaligned time: "
    << std::chrono::duration_cast<milliseconds>(
    << "ms\n";

Hardware Exception

On some architectures (like older ARM processors), misaligned access causes a hardware exception:

#include <iostream>

#pragma pack(1)
struct Dangerous {
  char A;
  int Value;
#pragma pack()

int main() {
  Dangerous D;
  D.Value = 42;// May trigger CPU exception! 

Undefined Behavior

Some platforms might silently corrupt data or behave unpredictably:

#include <iostream>

#pragma pack(1)
struct Risky {
  char A;
  int Value;
#pragma pack()

void ProcessValue(Risky& Data) {
  // On some platforms, this might:
  // - Read incorrect values
  // - Corrupt nearby memory
  // - Cause other undefined behavior
  std::cout << Data.Value << "\n";

The takeaway is that while modern PCs often handle misaligned access gracefully (with a performance penalty), it's best to let the compiler handle alignment through padding to ensure our code works reliably across different platforms.

This Question is from the Lesson:

Padding and Alignment

Learn how memory alignment affects data serialization and how to handle it safely

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This Question is from the Lesson:

Padding and Alignment

Learn how memory alignment affects data serialization and how to handle it safely

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