Padding and Alignment

SIMD and Memory Alignment

How does alignment work with SIMD instructions?

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SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) operations often have strict alignment requirements for optimal performance. Let's explore this with practical examples:

Basic SIMD Alignment

In the following example, we force 16-byte alignment:

#include <iostream>

// Force 16-byte alignment for SIMD
struct alignas(16) SimdVector {
  float X, Y, Z, W;// 4x4 bytes = 16 bytes

int main() {
  SimdVector Vec;
  std::cout << "Vector alignment: "
    << alignof(SimdVector) << " bytes\n"
    << "Vector address: "
    << &Vec << "\n"
    << "Address divisible by 16? "
    << (reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(&Vec)
      % 16 == 0 ? "Yes" : "No") << "\n";
Vector alignment: 16 bytes
Vector address: 000000346EBCF9F0
Address divisible by 16? Yes

Array Alignment for SIMD

Here’s an example that forces 32-byte alignment for a struct that includes an array:

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

struct alignas(32) SimdData {
  float Values[8];// 8x4 = 32 bytes

int main() {
// Aligned allocation
  std::unique_ptr<SimdData> AlignedData{
    new SimdData()};

// Check alignment
  auto Address = reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(

  std::cout << "Is 32-byte aligned? "
    << (Address % 32 == 0 ? "Yes" : "No");
Is 32-byte aligned? Yes

Key points about SIMD alignment:

  • SIMD often requires stricter alignment (16/32/64 bytes)
  • Misaligned SIMD access can cause crashes
  • Use alignas to ensure proper alignment
  • Consider using aligned allocation functions
  • Modern compilers optimize SIMD operations when possible
  • Always check your target architecture's SIMD requirements
This Question is from the Lesson:

Padding and Alignment

Learn how memory alignment affects data serialization and how to handle it safely

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This Question is from the Lesson:

Padding and Alignment

Learn how memory alignment affects data serialization and how to handle it safely

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