Working with Data

Preventing Save File Tampering

What happens if a player tries to cheat by editing the save file? How can we prevent that?

Abstract art representing computer programming

Players modifying save files is a common concern, particularly with human-readable formats like JSON. Here are several approaches to protect your save data:

Checksum Validation

Add a checksum to your save data to detect modifications:

#include <cstdint>
#include <string>

uint32_t CalculateChecksum(
  const std::string& Data) {
  uint32_t Checksum{0};
  for (char c : Data) {
    // Simple hash function
    Checksum = (Checksum + c) * 17;
  return Checksum;

void SaveGame(const GameState& State) {
  std::string JsonData = SerializeToJson(State);
  uint32_t Checksum = CalculateChecksum(

  SaveFile File;
  File.Data = JsonData;
  File.Checksum = Checksum;
  WriteToFile("save.json", File);

bool LoadGame(GameState& State) {
  SaveFile File = ReadFromFile("save.json");
  if (CalculateChecksum(File.Data) != File.
    Checksum) {
    return false; // Save file was modified

  State = DeserializeFromJson(File.Data);
  return true;


For stronger protection, encrypt the save data:

#include <string>
#include <vector>

std::vector<char> EncryptData(
  const std::string& Data,
  const std::string& Key
) {
  std::vector<char> Encrypted;
  for (size_t i = 0;
       i < Data.length(); ++i) {
      Data[i] ^ Key[i % Key.length()]);
  return Encrypted;

void SaveGame(const GameState& State) {
  std::string JsonData = SerializeToJson(State);
  auto Encrypted = EncryptData(
    JsonData, "SecretKey123");
  WriteToFile("save.dat", Encrypted);

Binary Format

Consider using binary format instead of JSON - it's harder to modify and more efficient:

void SaveBinary(const GameState& State) {
  std::ofstream File{
    "save.dat", std::ios::binary};
    reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&State),

Remember that determined players can still modify binary saves or break encryption. The goal is to prevent casual tampering while keeping save files efficient and reliable for honest players.

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Screenshot from Warhammer: Total War
Screenshot from Tomb Raider
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