Type Aliases

Naming Conventions for Type Aliases

What are the best practices for naming type aliases?

Illustration representing computer hardware

Naming type aliases effectively is crucial for code readability and maintainability. While there's no one-size-fits-all rule, here are some best practices to consider when naming your type aliases:

1. Be Descriptive

Choose names that clearly describe what the type represents. This helps other developers (including your future self) understand the purpose of the alias at a glance.

// Good
using PlayerID = int;
using HealthPoints = float;

// Less clear
using PID = int;
using HP = float;

2. Use PascalCase

In C++, it's common to use PascalCase (also known as UpperCamelCase) for type names, including type aliases.

using VectorOfInts = std::vector<int>;
using StringMap = std::unordered_map<
  std::string, std::string>;

3. Avoid Redundant Prefixes or Suffixes

Since type aliases are types, you generally don't need to add prefixes or suffixes like "Type" or "Alias".

// Good
using PlayerScore = int;

// Less ideal
using PlayerScoreType = int;
using PlayerScoreAlias = int;

4. Be Consistent with Standard Library Naming

When creating aliases for standard library types, consider following similar naming conventions:

using String = std::string;
using StringView = std::string_view;
using UnorderedMap = std::unordered_map;

5. Use Domain-Specific Terminology

If your alias represents a concept specific to your problem domain, use domain-specific terminology. For example, if our code is simulating physics, we might use aliases like this:

using Velocity = float;
using Acceleration = float;
using ForceVector = std::array<float, 3>;

6. Indicate Pointers and References

When aliasing pointer or reference types, consider including this information in the name:

using PlayerPtr = Player*;
using PlayerRef = Player&;

7. Be Consistent Within Your Codebase

Whatever naming convention you choose, be consistent throughout your project. This consistency makes it easier for developers to understand and use your aliases.

8. Consider Scope

If your alias is only used within a specific class or namespace, consider prefixing it with the class or namespace name to avoid naming conflicts:

namespace Physics {
  using Vector = std::array<float, 3>;

namespace Graphics {
  using Vector = std::array<int, 2>;

9. Avoid Shadowing Built-in Types

Be cautious about creating aliases that might shadow built-in types or commonly used names:

// Avoid - This can lead to confusion
using int = long long;

// Better
using LongInteger = long long;

10. Use Aliases to Simplify Complex Types

One of the main benefits of type aliases is to simplify complex type names. Your alias names should reflect this:

using PlayerDatabase = std::unordered_map<
  PlayerID, std::shared_ptr<Player>>;

Remember, the goal of these naming practices is to make your code more readable and maintainable. Always consider the context of your project and team when deciding on naming conventions. Clear and consistent naming can significantly improve code quality and reduce the likelihood of errors.

This Question is from the Lesson:

Type Aliases

Learn how to use type aliases, using statements, and typedef to simplify or rename complex C++ types.

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This Question is from the Lesson:

Type Aliases

Learn how to use type aliases, using statements, and typedef to simplify or rename complex C++ types.

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