File System Paths

Wide String Conversion

How do I convert std::filesystem::path to a wide string for use with Windows APIs?

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To work with Windows APIs, you often need to convert std::filesystem::path to a wide string (std::wstring). This is because many Windows API functions expect wide strings (UTF-16). Here’s how to perform this conversion:

Converting to Wide String

The std::filesystem::path class provides the wstring() method to obtain a wide string representation of the path:

#include <filesystem>
#include <iostream>

int main() {
  std::filesystem::path path{
    R"(C:\Program Files\MyApp\file.txt)"};
  std::wstring widePath = path.wstring();

  std::wcout << L"Wide Path: " << widePath;
Wide Path: C:\Program Files\MyApp\file.txt

Using with Windows API

Here’s an example of how to use the converted wide string with a Windows API function, such as CreateFileW:

#include <windows.h>

#include <filesystem>
#include <iostream>

int main() {
  std::filesystem::path path{R"(C:\test\file.txt)"};
  std::wstring widePath = path.wstring();

  HANDLE fileHandle = CreateFileW(
    widePath.c_str(),       // File name
    GENERIC_READ,           // Desired access
    0,                      // Share mode
    nullptr,                // Security attributes
    OPEN_EXISTING,          // Creation disposition
    FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,  // Flags and attributes
    nullptr                 // Template file handle

  if (fileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
    std::wcerr << L"Failed to open file: "
      << GetLastError();
  } else {
    std::wcout << L"File opened successfully\n";
File opened successfully

Key Points

  1. The wstring() Method: Use the wstring() method of std::filesystem::path to get a wide string.
  2. API Compatibility: Ensure you use the wide-character version of Windows API functions (e.g., CreateFileW).
  3. Error Handling: Always check the return values of API calls and handle errors appropriately.


Converting std::filesystem::path to std::wstring allows you to seamlessly integrate with Windows APIs that require wide strings. This method ensures your paths are correctly interpreted and managed by the system.

This Question is from the Lesson:

File System Paths

A guide to effectively working with file system paths, using the path type within the standard library's filesystem module.

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This Question is from the Lesson:

File System Paths

A guide to effectively working with file system paths, using the path type within the standard library's filesystem module.

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