Manipulating std::string Objects

Restrict String Length

How can I ensure a std::string does not exceed a specific length?

Abstract art representing computer programming

To ensure a std::string does not exceed a specific length, you can use various techniques to truncate the string or prevent it from growing beyond a certain size.

Truncating a String

If the string exceeds the desired length, you can truncate it using the resize() method. For example:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main() {
  std::string Text{"This is a very long string"};
  size_t MaxLength{10};

  if (Text.size() > MaxLength) {

  std::cout << Text;
This is a

Limiting Input Length

When reading input from the user, you can limit the number of characters they can enter. For example:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main() {
  std::string Input;
  size_t MaxLength{10};

  std::cout << "Enter a string (max "
    << MaxLength << " characters): ";
  std::cin >> Input;

  if (Input.size() > MaxLength) {

  std::cout << "Input: " << Input;
Enter a string (max 10 characters): HelloWorld123
Input: HelloWorld

Using reserve()

You can also use reserve() to allocate memory for a specific length, but this does not prevent the string from growing beyond this length. For example:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main() {
  std::string Text;

  Text = "Hello";
  Text += "World!"; // Exceeds reserved size 

  std::cout << Text << " (Capacity: "
    << Text.capacity() << ")";
HelloWorld! (Capacity: 15)

Custom Function

You can create a custom function to ensure the string does not exceed a specific length. For example:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

void EnsureMaxLength(
  std::string& str, size_t maxLength
) {
  if (str.size() > maxLength) {

int main() {
  std::string Text{"This is a long string"};
  size_t MaxLength{10};

  EnsureMaxLength(Text, MaxLength);

  std::cout << Text;
This is a


  • Data Loss: Truncating a string will result in data loss, so ensure this is acceptable in your context.
  • User Input: Limiting input length can prevent overflow and ensure data integrity.

Using these techniques, you can effectively manage the length of a std::string to ensure it does not exceed a specified limit.

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