Memory Management and the Stack

Stack vs Heap Memory

What are the key differences between stack and heap memory in C++?

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The stack and heap are two different areas of memory used in C++ programs:

Stack Memory:

  • Managed automatically by the compiler
  • Used for local variables and function parameters
  • Memory is allocated and deallocated in a last-in-first-out (LIFO) order
  • Fast allocation and deallocation
  • Limited in size (typically 1-2 MB)
  • Memory is freed when the function returns

Heap Memory (Free Store):

  • Managed manually by the programmer using new and delete
  • Used for dynamic memory allocation
  • Memory remains allocated until explicitly freed
  • Slower allocation and deallocation compared to stack
  • Much larger in size compared to stack
  • Requires careful memory management to avoid leaks and dangling pointers

Example of stack allocation:

void function() {
  int x = 5;// Allocated on the stack
}// x is automatically deallocated

Example of heap allocation:

int* ptr = new int;  // Allocated on the heap
delete ptr;          // Explicitly deallocated

Proper understanding of stack and heap memory is crucial for effective memory management in C++.

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