Friend Classes and Functions

Inheriting Friend Functions

Can friend functions be inherited by derived classes?

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Friend functions are not inherited by derived classes. This is because the friend relationship is specific to the class where the friend function is declared. Here’s how it works:

Understanding Friend Functions

When you declare a friend function in a class, you’re granting it access to the private and protected members of that specific class. This does not extend to derived classes. Each class must explicitly declare its own friends.


Consider a base class Base and a derived class Derived. If Base declares a friend function, this friend function does not automatically become a friend of Derived.

#include <iostream>

class Base {
  friend void showData(Base &b, bool derived);  

  int baseData{10};

class Derived : public Base {
  int derivedData{20};
  // Note: showData is not a friend here.

void showData(Base &b, bool showDerived = false) {
  std::cout << "\nBase data: " << b.baseData;  

  if (showDerived) {
    std::cout << "\nDerived data: "
      << static_cast<Derived &>(b).derivedData;  

int main() {
  Base b;
  Derived d;
  showData(b, false);
  showData(d, true); 
error C2248: 'Derived::derivedData': cannot access private member declared in class 'Derived'

In this example, showData() is a friend of Base and can access its private members. However, it is not a friend of Derived, so it cannot access the private derivedData member.

Making a Friend Function for Derived Classes

If you want a friend function to access members of both base and derived classes, you must declare it as a friend in each class:

#include <iostream>

class Base {
  friend void showData(Base &b, bool derived);

  int baseData{10};

class Derived : public Base {
  friend void showData(Base &b, bool derived);  

  int derivedData{20};

void showData(Base &b, bool showDerived = false) {
  std::cout << "\nBase data: " << b.baseData;

  if (showDerived) {
    std::cout << "\nDerived data: "
      << static_cast<Derived &>(b).derivedData;

int main() {
  Base b;
  Derived d;
  showData(b, false);
  showData(d, true);
Base data: 10
Base data: 10
Derived data: 20

By declaring showData() as a friend in both Base and Derived, it can now access private members of both classes. This approach keeps the encapsulation intact while granting necessary access where needed.

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