C++20 Modules

Performance Benefits of Modules

Are there any performance benefits to using C++20 modules over header files?

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Yes, using C++20 modules can provide several performance benefits over traditional header files. Here are the key advantages:

Faster Compile Times

One of the most significant benefits of modules is reduced compile times. With traditional header files, the compiler has to repeatedly parse and process the same headers for every translation unit.

This redundancy increases compile times, especially for large projects.

Modules, on the other hand, are compiled once into a binary format, and this precompiled information is reused, significantly speeding up the compilation process.

Improved Incremental Builds

Modules enhance incremental builds. When a header file changes, all translation units that include that header must be recompiled.

With modules, changes to a module only require recompiling the module itself and any dependent modules, not every translation unit that uses it. This leads to more efficient builds.

Reduced Memory Usage

Parsing large header files repeatedly can consume a lot of memory. Since modules are compiled once and reused, the memory overhead is reduced. This can lead to better performance, especially on systems with limited resources.

Example: Compile Time Comparison

Consider a project with a large header file LargeHeader.h included in multiple translation units:

// main.cpp
#include "LargeHeader.h"

int main() {
// other.cpp
#include "LargeHeader.h"

void otherFunction() {

With modules, the equivalent setup would be:

// LargeHeader.cppm
export module LargeHeader;

//... module contents
// main.cpp
import LargeHeader;

int main() {
// other.cpp
import LargeHeader;

void otherFunction() {

Better Encapsulation and Dependency Management

Modules provide better encapsulation by default. With header files, all included headers are processed, potentially leading to unnecessary dependencies and longer compile times.

Modules explicitly control what is exported, reducing the risk of including unnecessary dependencies and improving overall build performance.

Example: Avoiding Unnecessary Includes

With headers, you might include files that are not directly needed, slowing down compilation:

// FileA.h
#include <vector>
#include <string>

class A {

// This will be included
class Internal {
  // ...

With modules, you only import what you need:

// FileA.cppm
export module FileA;
import <vector>;
import <string>;

export class A {

// This will NOT be imported
class Internal {
  // ...


C++20 modules offer performance benefits over traditional header files, including faster compile times, improved incremental builds, reduced memory usage, better encapsulation, and more efficient dependency management.

These advantages make modules a valuable feature for modern C++ development.

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